Check out the masses of beautifully bright Cath O'Gorman pieces in our X'mas collection! |
Reanne Brewin's ladybug-like kitchenware allows you to mix n match the perfect combo... |
Olenka's new necklaces are in and straight up on the wall! Gorgeous as always! |
The ever popular Not Tuesday have made some great new necklaces for this summer! |
Luke's necklaces play with contrasting bold colours and raw natural materials, great for summer outfits... |
These beautiful baskets by Nicole Robins are a must have for any wall or table needing a lil' accessorising! |
Be sure to drop by and check out all the above and more! Remember we are open on Sunday's up until Christmas Eve and we will be celebrating the festive season Saturday the 22nd of December from 2 - 4pm with bubbly and finger foods, so please come and help celebrate with us!