Sunday, August 30, 2009

Current Exhibition 'Outlaws' 26 August to 6 September

an exhibition of contemporary millinery
26 August to 6 September
Catherine Kelly, Lindsay Mathieson, Rebecca Willis and Jennifer Kelly

The legend of the iconic Ned Kelly has inspired Catherine Kelly's series, as well as the collection of armour of Henry 8th. Lindsay Mathieson applies the use of beautiful classic silhouettes and diverse textures that make her pieces very individual, elegant and sophisticated. Rebecca Willis is inspired by the myths, legends and iconic images that surround some of these old rogues. Cannibalism, tropical birds, faded ocean maps, golden pieces of eight and of course the Jolly Roger all play their part. Jennifer Kelly's series is inspired by Asylum seekers - their search for freedom from unspeakable hardships to a land of privilege and opportunity, Australia. They are greeted by bureaucracy and an unsympathetic nation where they are treated as if they are outlaws.

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